Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Autumnal Equinox

... So I found this in my notes from a long time ago. It is adapted from various sources, (including inspired poetry). If you can identify them all, then we should probably be talking in real life way more often ...



Ritual Liturgy to be recited during Autumnal Equinox Observance:
(Sept 17th - 25th, depending)

Go to a place outdoors, preferably a haunted wood after dusk. Have stinking, dried up, dead, fall leaves ready. Sprinkling them in a left-ward circle while saying:

"As it was at the Time of the Beginning, so it is Now

"Leaves, they fall, the days grow cold
The Queen pulls her Mantle of Earth around Her
As you, Grand Master, sail toward the West
to the Land of Enchantments eternal
Wrapped in the coldness of Night
Fruits ripen, seeds drop
The day and the night are even
Chill winds blow in from their home in the north, wailing dreadful laments
Blessings upon you, Oh Fallen God, as you journey
into the Land of Winter, and into the Queen's Loving Design.
Oh, Great Queen, Gracious Mother of all fertility
I have reaped the fruits of my actions, both good and bane
Grant me the courage to plant seeds of Joy and of Love
in the coming year, and beyond, banishing misery and hate
Teach me the secrets of Wise existence upon this planet,
Oh Luminous One of the Night!"


"Here is the Landscape-
Here, in the balance of the earth
As I'm stalked by the shadow of Death's Hand,
The Pyre in my Heart is Forged across the Land"

"Here at the edge of the world"

"... I gaze upon a pantheon of Oak"

"If this Grand panorama before me is what you call God, then God is Not Dead!"

"The color of Bracken does appear
as the swan flies south
Time passes, and I am here;
for the Sanctuary I've built shall be about me in all seasons to come."



  1. I think I've seen that before, but a lot longer and written for at least two (divided by priestess and priest so probably a coven). Can't recall where I saw it. Probably a website, I don't think it is in any of my books.

    You will be glad to know however that I moved away from Ravenwolf. I've picked up a few Cunningham books, and am still working on that Penzack book as well.

  2. Good move on the R$W, she is geared toward the teen market and not particularly for those serious about developing a working craft. Nice@Penczak: I enjoyed his Shamanic Witchcraft book immensely, and the first in the Temple series was one of the titles that got me started on the path (deliberately). Back then, I also took a peek at Cunningham's material. Compare the first part of this post with his Mabon ritual for the solitary located at the back of the book in Wicca for the Solitary... That aside, I've tweaked it toward a more 'traditional' sounding piece a la RA's 'brand' of poetry. Also included are song lyrics (shut up!) from Agalloch's "The Great Cold Death of the Earth" which comes from their album, The Mantle (2002). Quite appropriate, given the times and motifs for this dark turn of the year.

    Be Whole!
