Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Autumnal Equinox

... So I found this in my notes from a long time ago. It is adapted from various sources, (including inspired poetry). If you can identify them all, then we should probably be talking in real life way more often ...



Ritual Liturgy to be recited during Autumnal Equinox Observance:
(Sept 17th - 25th, depending)

Go to a place outdoors, preferably a haunted wood after dusk. Have stinking, dried up, dead, fall leaves ready. Sprinkling them in a left-ward circle while saying:

"As it was at the Time of the Beginning, so it is Now

"Leaves, they fall, the days grow cold
The Queen pulls her Mantle of Earth around Her
As you, Grand Master, sail toward the West
to the Land of Enchantments eternal
Wrapped in the coldness of Night
Fruits ripen, seeds drop
The day and the night are even
Chill winds blow in from their home in the north, wailing dreadful laments
Blessings upon you, Oh Fallen God, as you journey
into the Land of Winter, and into the Queen's Loving Design.
Oh, Great Queen, Gracious Mother of all fertility
I have reaped the fruits of my actions, both good and bane
Grant me the courage to plant seeds of Joy and of Love
in the coming year, and beyond, banishing misery and hate
Teach me the secrets of Wise existence upon this planet,
Oh Luminous One of the Night!"


"Here is the Landscape-
Here, in the balance of the earth
As I'm stalked by the shadow of Death's Hand,
The Pyre in my Heart is Forged across the Land"

"Here at the edge of the world"

"... I gaze upon a pantheon of Oak"

"If this Grand panorama before me is what you call God, then God is Not Dead!"

"The color of Bracken does appear
as the swan flies south
Time passes, and I am here;
for the Sanctuary I've built shall be about me in all seasons to come."


Thursday, September 10, 2009

Apparently opposition to Obama now a recognized religion ...

Like Jehovah's Witnesses permitted to excuse themselves from Halloween celebrations in classrooms because of their faith, students whose parents hate Obama were allowed to miss the president's 'Back to School' speech when it was broadcast in classrooms across the country this week. Headlines across the internet read: "Obama's Controversial Speech" I hadn't heard anything of controversy, so eager to inspect, I read the text of his speech. What was the "controversial" message so many conservatives indignantly rejected before it was even delivered? In a nutshell: "Stay in school and work hard at what you're good at." (Note: click on the title of this blog to read full text) I know, I know- Fascism at its finest, right? Republicans treated this event as if it was indoctrination of Nazi ideology. Commented one ignoramus-Republican mother who doesn't know how to spell her words properly: "he [Obama] should listen to his own damn words and not force it on someone else..he is nothin but a used picece of soap that someone thro out..my son won't be watchin his garbage..my son son knows who he is and what he stands for.." (sic) Ugh. Way to further divide our country, idiots, and prove the need for what the Pres spoke about (oh wait, you don't even know what it was because you refused to hear it). Ironically this behavior is proof of the need of education. Regardless of the source, if a message is a good one, why should it be censored? Repubs are such a whiny bunch of assholes. How the hell are you helping your kids by hiding them away in your own baseless hatred and pigheaded, narrow-minded worldview? I challenge anyone who protested this speech to articulate their grievance with the president in an intelligent manner for the rest of us to read. As it is now we (justly) think you're being childish. You don't think education is important? You're a moron, and the worst part is you don't even know you are. Grow up and take part of the world you're in. Encourage the same in your children. Don't hide from something because it bothers you. Stand up and challenge it if it's so important to you. Be accountable for yourself. Back issues that weren't even part of the speech but what I'm sure influenced reactions: Health Care for Everyone? No way, that is the sort of thing socialism is made from. A chance for a good education regardless of economic background and upraising? Nay. Clearly the President is a Nazi who needs to be stopped. I mean, only crazy people talk like that, right? Optimism is for fools alone who haven't been washed in the blood of the lamb ... (or some such BS).

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Riddles in the Dark

Thirty white horses on a red hill

First they champ

Then they stamp

Then they stand still.


A box without hinges, keys, or lid

Yet inside golden treasure is hid.


What has roots as nobody sees

Is taller than trees

Up Up Up it goes

And yet never grows?


Voiceless it cries

Wingless flutters

Toothless bites

Mouth-less mutters.


An eye in a blue face

Said to an eye in a green face

“That eye is like to this eye”

Said the first eye

“But in a low place,

Not a high place.”


It cannot be seen, cannot be felt

Cannot be heard, cannot be smelt.

It lies behind stars and under hills

And empty holes it fills.

It comes first and follows after

Ends life, Kills laughter.


The thing all things devours

Birds, beasts, trees, flowers

Gnaws iron, bites steel

Grinds hard stones to meal

Slays king, ruins town

And beats high mountain down!