“I hope into this morning sun will explode on me....
I hope into this crawling floor will subside with me”
–How Like A Winter (Beyond My Grey Wake)
In between thoughts we have rushed to the current of streaming fresh water that has become the channel for all to take. Nothing is real, everything is fake. There is no such thing as make-believe: All is permitted... In an effort to pierce this stiff air, I must pass along the story of my own experiences. I found myself alert one quiet Sunna’s morning outside my apartment. The sun broke through the horizon across clear skies. It had been gone for nearly a month. A slight yet consistent wind stirred in the branches of the maples and oaks above and around me. Birds conversed in their nests and lofty abodes. Car engines whirled distantly, flashing by as if theirs were the only concerns.
I sat there feeling rather contemplative. I would be off soon, but first I painted a picture of that moment I came to call my personal greeting of the dawn. In that moment- the liminal inbetweenness of the dawn and the day. On the border of rebirth. Hope for future rebirths. I traveled south that morning, while the sun illumined brightly over Back Bay, from its home in the east where the archer’s cup runs over, spilling its life upon all those with open eyes to see and receive...
Incantatory Greeting of the Dawn
“I’ve slept within the caverns of humanity. Upon my slumberous departure hence, I give thanks and honor to a new day
“Goda, Orvendale, Earendel, I honor you
“Green lush and fertile spirits, allies and powers of the earth, upon which I stand and which grounds me, To the Castle of Depths, Hail! Thank You, and Good Morning
“Bright abode of the Morning Watcher, allies, spirits and powers of the Eastern Source, The Castle of Lights, which ignites my inner-spark and illumines my soul, Hail! Thank You, and Good Morning
“Windswept meadows and sharp, cold breeze which I inhale and which moves me, spirits and powers of the Castle of The Winds in the Southern Mode: Hail! Thank You, and Good Morning
“Misty dew-drenched glades and roaring rainy days- The Stygian free and wide and treachersome ocean tides, complete Lunar Virtue: Powers and Allies of the Western Waters, The Castle of Stars, from which I drink and am sustained: Hail! Thank You, and Good Morning
“To those who sit above and with me on the way, the hidden company: My fetch, my Daemon, my “other” and soul-lover who’s name is The Design of Love and Mystery: Hail, and strength to our union! Guide me on the path to understanding, clarity, and trust. Stay with me if you will, go only if you must.”
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